Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29th

Avos (Josanna's and Chitta), Tangerines, Tumeric, Breadfruit (Josanna's) and Lilikoi (Evening Rain Farm)

Taro leaves and Fennel (from Josanna's)
Mamay sapote and tangerines
(from Anne)

Well, as predicted, our sales were a bit lower than last market, but still better than our average.  The most popular items seem to be avocados (particularly the ripe groundlings from Chitta) the Mamey sapotes from Janelle, Clive and Anne, Josanna's soursops and the lilikois from Evening Rain.  This was also a particularly popular day for Ann's vanilla beans.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22nd

The Collective enjoyed a buzzing market as S.P.A.C.E. fans came to appreciate the 3rd market after a two week-long holiday break.  This was, by far, the Collective's best market yet.  We doubled our average profits from about $150/market to $300 today!  Our popularity seems to grow each market.  Of course, the last market of the month tends to be a bit less profitable because our EBT sales are minimal.  This I can understand because people have used all/most of their grocery money by this time and will have to wait until the following market to continue to bless our booth.

What a wonderful endeavor we have going here.